
That’s gonna take some work. Long was quite a character, but kept his cards close to the vest. I have indications & suspicions, but hard data is tough to find. Long, Phillips (Sr. & Jr.), and Rockefeller Jr. danced quite a number round and round (or their proxies did) between 1892 & 1931. C.R. Scoville being one such intermediary…

A hidden in plain sight cog in these works: the Interchurch World Movement 1919-1921. It’s worth some attention. Also the Men and Religion Forward Movement of 1911-1912, which caused Long to launch the Men and Millions Movement in 1913 (proto-DMF). Efficiency & vertical integration were what Long & Rockefeller had in common, and what Phillips loathed; it splashed into religion in a big way.

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I’m dying for 10,000 words on the College of Missions and RA Long.

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