Apr 17Liked by Jeff Gill

I did find it interesting that a Christian Standard author would use my report from the GA for Word and Way as fodder for his article. I'm not sure he understood what I was trying to say. As for me, I believe our commitment to unity and to diversity are strengths. That there is flexibility is a strength, though at times it can be a weakness. You are also correct that our lean toward universalism is not the reason for our discomfort with evangelism. One can be a universalist and share the good news of Jesus. Now, I agree, when I get together with my good friend who is Hindu next week for coffee I probably won't try to convert her. But she knows that my interfaith engagement is deeply rooted in my faith in Jesus (as do my Muslim and Jewish friends).

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I want to grow, start new churches, and see people encounter saving faith in Christ Jesus. Just wanted Cincinnati to know we exist.

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Thank you, Jeff. May I share this with my elders at New Hope?

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